Saturday, December 24, 2011

seventeen(17) is it good things to happy about or bad things to worried about???

well well well, looks like someone here almost turn 17(aku ler tu cik siti oii) hahaha, ok2, entry kali nih tajuk dia "seventeen(17) is it good things to happy about or bad things to worried about???"~
ni bukan entry psl majalah seventeen tu tau!! hahahxx~
back to the topic, pasal umur 17 nih, nak happy @ resah gelisah la bagai???
i'd say BOTH!
 1st thing to happy about is that the fact you already cukop umor nak amik lesen(motor n kreta) cuma tinggal nak dapat restu(ayat poyosss the nak mamposss) mak ayah jaaa.... haha
the worrisome is always the SPM!!!! mak datok kau, bak kata the saturdays(kumpulan penyanyi uk ala2 pussycat dolls)

"this is the crossing at the main intersection,
 up is where we go from here,
 finest selection,
 this could take us anywhere,
 i don't want protection,
 live is better off the line~ine~ine~"

my fav song tuuu~ lagu lama nih, teringat lak time nak amik pmr, lagu yng memberi semangat~ haha
yes it is! spm penentu segalanya(not everything, just where you will go after that, kita cuma mampu merancang, ALLAH yang tentukan segalanya untuk kita)

haaa, then lepas tuu, bila umor 17, IT'S SENIOR YEAR!!!! but.... is that something that you should be proud of? no no no, i'd say both! proud and semi-proud~ haha, if we thing more deeply, best jugak jadi senior~ tpi apa2 pun ada dua jenis seniorlaaa....

satu yang bagi contoh or akhlak or attitude or all those sort of things to their junior~
satu lagi yang bagi ajaran sesat kat jejunior semua2 yang baru nak up~

haaa, time ni jugaklaaa kita nak bergila kuasa, gila popular, gila grade! hahah, don't be too agressived+exaggerated, takut dibenci plak~ sbb ada satu kes kat skolah, the war between the popular girl's gang~ last2 masing2 just "erk~" hahaha... better kalu kita just keep steady, apa yang penting sikap yang baik and GOOD GRADES!!! sbb iu ja yng penting~

kuasa, popular itu2 semua, bila pikiaq2 balk xpenting pun... kita cuma setahun jaa tinggal dlm alam persekolahan, lepas ni mungkin ada sesetengah tu nak kerja teruih, ada yang nak pi matrikulasi, ada yang masuk university amik diploma...
lepas tuh masing2 nak cari kerja, then nak cari pasangan hidup~ kan? bila time tu, kita imbas balik kenangan time skolah, semua benda yang kita rasa penting akan jadi xpenting(ni gara2 tengok diary of the wimpy kids laaa erk~~~ ahaha)

so, in d end, 17 is both exciting and full of worrisome~ take the safe side(i mean, study harder, forget all of those unimportant things, just f0cus!) lead the better future for ourselves, don't ever forgot ALLAH, tunaikan apa yang wajib(solat 5 times a day, doa bebanyak) that's it... my entry will be end today... after this there will be less and less entry for me, i know that there is not soi many people who read my entry but, i'll keep wrote it for those tiny numbers of people who read it~

p/s: if u felt this entry insulting you, i wanted to ask for forgiveness, it's the freedom of speeches! but i'm not using it in the wrong way... all of people who knows me, i'd say they're my friend even they don't think so~


au revoir~!

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